Every summer, Provence is transformed into a living tableau of spellbinding beauty. It's lavender season, a time when the fields sway in the warm summer breeze, filling the air with their bewitching fragrance. For nature lovers and travellers in search of sensory experiences, this is a must.

From early June, the first hints of purple timidly emerge through Provence's golden hills. Then, like a symphony rising to crescendo, lavender fields stretch as far as the eye can see, transforming the landscape into a purple ocean that seems to stretch to the horizon.

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It's a time when the senses awaken: the intoxicating scent of lavender hangs in the air, attracting bees and butterflies that flit around the flowers. The incessant buzz of insects becomes the natural soundtrack of this magical season.

For the region's inhabitants, lavender harvesting is much more than a mere tradition; it's a heritage passed down through generations. With care and expertise, farmers harvest the precious flowers, using ancestral techniques that preserve the purity and quality of essential oils.

Visitors are invited to join in this lavender celebration. Colorful festivals and lively markets animate Provencal villages, offering a multitude of lavender-derived products: essential oils, soaps, candles, and much more. It's the perfect opportunity to discover the many uses of this iconic plant.

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Beyond its visual beauty and enchanting scent, lavender embodies the very spirit of Provence: its simplicity, authenticity, and ability to capture the imagination. It symbolizes the unbreakable bond between man and nature, reminding all who behold it of the richness and generosity of this sun-blessed land.

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So whether you're a traveler in search of wonder or a lover of olfactory sensations, lavender season in Provence promises an unforgettable experience. Let yourself be enchanted by the magic of this natural spectacle and let lavender transport you on a sensory journey to the heart of Provence.


Discover our Lavender experiences