Provence Holidays offers an industry leading insurance policy for all 2024 bookings and beyond.

Cancellation insurance:

For bookings up to 15 000 Euros - Adar Insurance / Groupama



Cancellation due to:

Serious illness, death, major home damage, unavailability of accommodation

Rent for unused portion of holidays, limited to €15 000

Holiday interruption due to :

Serious illness, death, major home damage, unavailability of accommodation

Rent for unused portion of holidays, limited to €15 000

For bookings up to 50 000 Euros - Adar Luxe Insurance / Groupama



Serious illness, accident, death, major home damage, lay-off, professional relocation, roadblocks, any complication due to pregnancy until the 28th week

Deposit / down payment + sums due, limited to €50 000

Serious illness, death, major home damage, unavailability of accommodation

Rent for unused portion of holidays, limited to €50 000