Shopping in L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue

L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue > L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue

Lilamand is a family home that includes a candied fruit factory, a calisson factory and three shops. An involved and committed team awaits you to make you discover their exceptional products.

Founded in 1866 by Marius Lilamand, then Confectioner-Pastry Chef in the heart of Saint-Rémy de Provence, Confiserie Lilamand will be taken over in 1903 by his son Justin who will devote himself exclusively to candied fruits and install his new workshops in the old tannery at the leaving the village.

Today, Pierre Lilamand, applying the recipe advocated by Nostradamus and Olivier de Serres, four centuries earlier, perpetuates this know-how passed on for five generations, in this factory steeped in history.

Since March 2009, the Saint-Rémy de Provence factory has expanded with a new confectionery workshop devoted to calissons, candied fruit syrups and jams, while preserving the fundamentals, rigor, know-how and quality. Having become too small, the calissons workshop has moved into a brand new factory built for the occasion, 1300m² are now dedicated, allowing a comfortable and reassuring development.

Lilamand's desire is to preserve their history, their know-how, the quality of their products, their traditional confectionery and craftsmanship, to associate exceptional products to make others even more exceptional and to transmit these values ​​to future generations.

A showcase of savoir-faire, the boutiques of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence and Isle-sur-Sorgue reflect Lilamand's history, rich in history, know-how and tradition handed down from 5 generations.

Lozenge composed of almonds and melons candied caught between a royal icing and a host leaf, the Calisson is an undisputed Provence sweetness requiring the expertise of a jeweler. At Lilamand, tradition and envy have led to the design of this jewel of Provence. Syrups, candied fruits and jams are also exceptional products that Lilamand House has the secret.

In addition to that of Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, several shops are waiting for you to discover the secrets of a confectioner:

In Saint-Rémy de Provence (13210) at 5 Avenue Albert Schweitzer and at 20, Rue de la Commune.

In Antibes (06600) at 2, Place Nationale.